Bucket4: Heresy – jump in…

In order to understand group dynamics, it is increasingly important to comprehend how each ‘Cell’ works; it is clear that these cannot be considered as ‘fixed’ computers, that there is a much more subtle and complex mechanism in place. That ‘feedback loop’ is a fundamental part of the process is obvious; it was also apparent […]

Bucket List P3: Pathway to Heresy

Even fortune, serendipitous linking of thought processes that a more ‘educated’ mind might dismiss as erroneous can lead to great insight; if only by the process of ‘opening up’ the box one may find oneself trapped in.  Of course, this does not deny the necessity of more grounded reasoning, scientific methodology, which then ‘throws out’ […]

Bucket List: P1

Bucket list: Invoking O.S.A Why would I want to invoke the OSA when I’ve spent a large portion of my life fighting against it and its hidden enforcers? Or, it might well be asked: well, why haven’t you invoked it already? Maybe it’s an act of perversity on my behalf, to do the one thing […]

Bucket List: P2

  Why? There was recognition of deep flaws (the flip side of the potential beauty) in human nature; but, the ‘answers’ seemed to be none or at least weirdly conflicted.  There were clues aplenty in various cultures throughout the ages, that had considered this problem, with little or no long term results.  Problems kept arising, […]

Spec Ops:

Decades of frontline experience in Security ‘Black Ops’ (interestingly, also as an intensive ‘target’ of Governments); with proven abilities in complex group dynamics manipulation to achieve goals, project definition and solutions within high pressure, hostile environments. Unique expertise within field of psychological projection (theoretical and applied) to targets (Opfers) with minimal feedback loop errors; target identification/acquisition through multiple dynamic operational parameters , and manifesting solution/s to necessary conclusion.